RICHMOND HEIGHTS, Mo. — We are months past Christmas but Suzanne Tucker remains busy filling orders for her new "Time-In ToolKit."
"The response has been amazing," Tucker said. "We are now ready to send out about two thousand kits all over the world. We are in about 28 countries."
Tucker, a mother of four, has been a parent educator for nearly 25 years. She specializes in positive parenting techniques. She believes her Time-In ToolKit can help parents and educators who want to follow positive discipline guidelines get rid of time-outs for good.
"Time-outs are just highly ineffective. if you ever tried to parent a strong-willed child you know what I'm talking about. You put a child in time-out on a step and you end up in a power struggle. You end up with more misbehavior, not less," Tucker said.
The Time-In ToolKit currently sells for $59. It's designed for children between the ages of three and nine. It comes with posters and activities to help a child identify moods and emotions and offers solutions on what a child could do to help calm down. Tucker said the ToolKit is most effective when it is implemented on a regular basis.
"If you think about learning your 1-2-3s and ABCs, there's curriculum for that. But where's the curriculum for teaching children about relationships, managing their minds, managing their emotions? Children deserve those tools," Tucker said.
For more information about the Time-In ToolKit, visit them online.