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October is National Apple Month

Find out how much produce you should be eating a day, and how apples can help you reach that goal.

Did you know that October is National Apple Month and that the average American consumes roughly 19 pounds of apples per year? Joining us to discuss the benefits of incorporating apples into your daily routine is Registered Dietitian and Opal Apples Spokesperson, Cynthia Sass.

Cynthia explains that according to the Centers for Disease Control, only 10% of Americans eat the minimum recommended five cups of produce per day. This mean that 90% of us are falling short of that important target. Grabbing an Opal Apple is a very simple way to help fill that produce gap.

You can eat apples alone or incorporate them into any kind of recipe. The nutrients that it provides include Vitamin C for immunity and fiber to help with digestion and fullness.

Cynthia goes on to say that hitting that produce target is important for knocking down the risk of nearly any chronic disease. This could be anything from heart disease to diabetes to obesity.

One favorite recipe of Cynthia’s that she developed using the Opal Apple is the Hot Apple Pie Smoothie. You take the smoothie blend and simply warm it up in a saucepan. She has developed 10 recipes overall using the Opal Apple, including an Appletini!

The Opal Apple is the only non-GMO, non-browning apple on the market. This means you can slice it ahead of time and it will not brown. It has a crisp texture with a sweet and tangy flavor, so it pairs well with both sweet and savory foods.  

For more information, visit opalapples.com.

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