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Professional organizer shares 3 life hacks for an easier transition back to school

Thursday morning, Kelly Cicerelli joined Mary in studio to share simple tips for parents to keep in mind as the kids head back to school.

Powerhouse Organizing is a full service organizing company who helps with packing/unpacking, decluttering, sorting/organizing businesses, when welcoming new children, combining households, end of life/estate organization, and more. Since their start 8 years ago, they have grown to have nine team members. Thursday morning, owner Kelly Cicerelli joined Mary in studio to share simple tips for parents to keep in mind as the kids head back to school.

A few Powerhouse Tips for back to school:

• Designate a Command Center. Everyone in the family should be able to see everything on the calendar that pertains to the kids and family activities.

• If your kids are little, limit the number of toys they have access to at any given time. One of the best tips when it comes to toys and clutter is to only have one toy box or storage container accessible at any given time, the rest should be stored elsewhere away from kiddos and rotate weekly so there are fresh new options. Make it fun. Before the holidays or birthday when new toys come in, make it part of the experience to find some items to donate together and teach them how important it is. If your kiddos notice their chore lists getting easier because there is less clutter and less to organize or clean, they are more inclined to not mind having a smaller manageable selection of toys.

• Take shortcuts when possible. Lay out kid's outfits, complete with socks and underwear for each day of the week.

Right now you can save $100 off any "Powerhouse Max" Session using code: SHOWME100 and take $100 off any session with 3 or more organizers! Learn more by visiting www.powerhouseorganizing.com.

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