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Show Me Kindness: Adorable toddler brings chalk art to life

Here are a few ways people in the St. Louis area are sharing kindness

BELLEVILLE, Ill. — "Just keep swimming."


"May the force be with you."

Those sayings are included in some chalk art in Belleville, Illinois. But this isn't your average chalk art thanks to an adorable toddler who's bringing it to life. Molly Siegel and her 2-year-old daughter Sonny have been busy doing interactive murals ever since they've been quarantined.

"We've been drawing chalk art to make people see positive in life right now. We've had a lot of free time, so we've had time enjoying it together by picking out pictures the night before."

Credit: Molly Siegel
2-year-old Sonny Siegel takes chalk art to the next level

And in the Clarkson Woods neighborhood of Chesterfield, Kimberly Groneck coordinated a neighborhood effort to make art for Sunrise Senior Living.

"They started making pictures. I collected them on my front porch in an envelope, walked them down and taped them to outside of nursing home windows, so there was no touching pictures," Groneck said.

From art to food. A fundraiser called Lunches for Clinicians St. Louis started with a goal of $5,000. They reached that goal and more. They raised almost $20,000 over three weeks through GoFundMe.

With the money, they support restaurants by buying food and support healthcare workers by delivering free meals. Some of the meals from Gourmet to Go went to St. Mary's Hospital.

“We want to support our clinicians who are putting their lives on the line to keep our community safe,” said Jack Sheehan, who's one of the organizers.

If you know someone showing kindness, let us know on our KSDK News Facebook page.

More Show Me Kindness stories:

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