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How to care for your car in the excessive heat

It's important to check your car battery, make sure you have proper fluid levels and clean out your cabin air filter.

ST. LOUIS — Excessive heat can impact everything from your health to your pets to your home, and the high temperatures can also take a toll on your car. 

Here are things you'll want to double-check to ensure your car is ready to handle the heat.

Check your car battery

If your car battery is a few years old, head to a mechanic and ask for a battery test. If your battery is low, you'll want to change it before it dies. 

Check your fluid levels

Make sure that your car has the proper fluid levels. Mechanics said during hot weather, fluid levels thin out, so you want to make sure your oil is clean and full.

Check your tire pressure

Mechanics said finding the right pressure for your tires is key. You don't want it too high or too low because that increases your chances of a blowout. 

Clean out your cabin air filter

Everyone's air conditioning will be working overtime. Make sure your cabin air filter is clean so your airflow is better. Make sure you're cleaning the debris between your radiator and the condenser to make sure better cooling is coming through the vents. 

Park your car in the shade

If you don't have a garage or covered parking, try to park your car in the shade to keep your car temperatures down. 

St. Louis Auto and Truck Repair President Lisa Renaud said she's already seeing people come in with car issues related to this heat. 

"Lots of AC, batteries, tires … Some people over-inflate tires, and there can be a blowout a lot of times when that happens. If you make sure your tires are in good shape, that avoids a flat picking up things on the road," she said.

You're also bound to end up in stop-and-go traffic, so Renaud said, it's best to put your air conditioning on low during that time. 

"That'll help your AC system. If you want to roll down your windows, you can do that, but during the heat, the air conditioning is definitely working a lot harder," she said.

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