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City of St. Louis provides assistance to low-income residents eligible for $500 monthly payments

The City has allocated $5 million for this initiative offering monthly disbursement to 540 households over 18 months. The city spent two days assisting applicants.

ST. LOUIS — St. Louis started to distribute monthly payments as part of a new assistance program.

During a time when families are strapped financially and approaching the holiday season, the Carondolet Library became a symbol of hope and transformation for residents like Talitha LaGrone. 

"It's a blessing for me, really... it's a blessing," she said.

LaGrone is one of the 547 individuals in the city who stand to benefit from the newly introduced Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) program by Mayor Tishaura Jones, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing financial support to low-income families.

LaGrone's journey with the GBI program began when her job specialist informed her and other community leaders in Dutchtown about this unique opportunity. 

The City of St. Louis allocated $5 million from the American Rescue Plan funds to fund the GBI program, which will distribute $500 monthly payments to eligible recipients for the next 18 months.

For LaGrone, this financial assistance is a lifeline, offering her the opportunity to focus on personal growth and education. 

"This would give me enough time to finish school cause right now I'm working on my GED, and I go two more tests to take, and I do need some income coming in," she said. 

As a mother with a vision for a better future, LaGrone sees the GBI program as a means to elevate herself and her family.

Over the last two days, the city has collaborated with the FORWARD Platform to streamline the application process for the GBI program at the Carondelet and Julia Davis Libraries in south St. Louis.

Families entering the libraries are met with representatives who not only assist them in navigating the application but also provide valuable information and support. 

Kelsey Martin, the Director of Client Services at FORWARD, highlighted the significance of this one-stop-shop approach. Martin says they can help people submit documents and file the application.

The eligibility criteria for the program are set at 170% below the federal poverty level, ensuring that those who need it most have access to this financial aid. 

LaGrone's sentiments echo the gratitude felt by many eligible recipients who see the GBI program as an opportunity to rise above challenging circumstances. 

"A lot of people just trying to make it seem so bad," LaGrone said. "'What's that going to do for you? It ain't going to do nothing for you.' I'm telling everybody it's going to do something for me.".

Officials say the program supports the city's commitment to supporting its residents, fostering education, and breaking the cycle of poverty. 

The program's application process closed on November 1. There was then a lottery to decide which families moved along. 

Those are the people who were welcome to attend Wednesday and Thursday's events. The chosen applicants should expect their first payments by the holidays.


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