ST. LOUIS — With so many people working from home and kids doing schoolwork on the same internet connection, chances are your WiFi is getting a workout. And hackers see an opportunity.
They’re looking for ways to access and steal your personal information or data from your company. Consumer Reports offers some tips on how to stay cybersafe while working and learning from home.
Start with your router. One of the most important things you can do is keep its firmware up to date. When a manufacturer rolls out an update, it often includes a security fix specifically designed to keep hackers out. Instructions on how to update routers vary by brand, but most are done through a website or an app.
Another thing you can do is change the default password on your router, and don’t share it with neighbors. CR says to use a long, random string of letters or words with numbers and symbols.
Consider using a password manager if you need help keeping track of them. Recently, Consumer Reports tested several and said 1Password was the best option.
One last tip: CR recommends enabling two-factor authentication on accounts whenever it’s available. It’s one more layer of added security just when you need it most.
To protect yourself from phishing email attacks or tech support scams, CR recommends that you think before you click. If an email looks shady, delete it. And don’t open attachments or click on links from people you don’t know.