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Illinois man admits robbing Ferguson bank with note

Milton Randol, 35, of Alton, pleaded guilty on Thursday to a felony bank robbery charge.
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ST. LOUIS — An Illinois man admitted to robbing a bank with a note in 2019 in Ferguson, Missouri.

Milton Randol, 35, of Alton, pleaded guilty on Thursday to a felony bank robbery charge, according to a press release.

Randol admitted that on Dec. 13, 2019, he handed a note to a teller at Great Southern Bank in Ferguson that read, “Give me all the money[.] Don’t pull the silent alarm or I will shoot,” according to his plea agreement.

The 35-year-old handed the teller a bag to put the money in and told her not to set off the silent alarm. The teller filled the bag and Randol stuffed money into his pockets before fleeing the scene, according to the release. 

He was captured on camera at the bank and was identified by friends when the photo was posted online. But, Randol fled to Texas, where he lived before living in St. Louis. 

Randol will be sentenced on Aug. 29, 2023. 

He faces up to 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine or both, according to the release.

The Ferguson Police Department and the FBI investigated the case.

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