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Frenchman poses as pilot, gets into plane cockpit

A 61-year-old French man has been arrested at Philadelphia International Airport and charged with impersonating a pilot after airline officials found him in the cockpit of a plane scheduled for takeoff.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A 61-year-old French man has been arrested at Philadelphia International Airport and charged with impersonating a pilot after airline officials found him in the cockpit of a plane scheduled for takeoff.

Police say Philippe Jernnard of La Rochelle, France, was wearing a white shirt with an Air France logo and had a black jacket with epaulets on the shoulders.

Officer Christine O'Brien says the crew of an outbound US Airways flight found Jernnard in the jump seat behind the pilot at about 6:20 p.m. Wednesday. She says he became argumentative and was escorted from the plane.

Police found Jernnard with a counterfeit Air France crew member identification card.

Jernnard was arraigned on state charges. Police say they expect federal charges to be filed on Friday.

(Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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