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It's the end of the line for Windows XP

After 13 years, it's finally the end of the line for Microsoft's venerable Windows XP operating system.
A laptop is seen using Microsoft Windows XP operating system software.

LOS ANGELES — After 13 years, it's finally the end of the line for Microsoft's venerable Windows XP operating system.

The software — introduced in an era before texting, Facebook, Snapchat, the iPhone and iPad — has lingered thanks to the reluctance of many consumers and small businesses to change. Despite its age, XP is the No. 2 computer operating system, and many folks are in store for a rude wake-up call.

Microsoft on Tuesday ceases official support for XP. The company will no longer issue patches or system updates to protect against viruses and other malware. If you run into any snags at all, you won't be able to call Microsoft for technical assistance.

On the second Tuesday of every month, Microsoft issues new security patches for its operating systems. Going forward, XP will become an even bigger target for hackers as they take information about new problems with Windows 7 or Windows 8 and apply them to XP.

Still, some consumers aren't taking it seriously. Mike Owens has heard the hoopla, but says he's not concerned: His four XP PCs will still be connected.

Owens, a Los Angeles cop, says it's "just a scare tactic to get you to buy new software."

Really? Is it?

That Microsoft is marketing to encourage people to use more modern, safer software, is a given. XP was written in the days before big-scale hack attacks like we saw in December at retail giant Target, before the words "identify theft" were in the national lexicon.

Microsoft says newer operating systems like Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 were designed with better security, and that the 13-year-old XP is a relic.

Besides homes, many older computers running it are in use in schools, businesses and government offices. Even more startling: Thousands of bank ATMs run on XP — nearly 75%, according to ATM manufacturer NCR.

Windows XP "does everything many people need it to do, and they got used to it," says Derek Meister, a Geek Squad service rep from Cleveland. "In tech, it seems like things are obsolete every six months, but in this case, it's different."

Peter Montesano, who runs Peter's PC Repair shop in Los Angeles, says he's seen little interest from consumers about upgrading or getting off their XP machines. "There's not been a flood of concern," he says.

"For small to medium businesses, upwards of 80% will retain XP," says Jason Ritzke, the IT manager for Pacific Television Center, a satellite facility in Los Angeles used by CNBC, MSNBC and other networks.

Ritzke says many businesses don't want to upgrade or switch because they have software written that works with XP — and don't have the stomach to start over. "The worst problem is the interruption of business, and that's just something many small to medium businesses just aren't willing to tolerate."

Security experts believe security attacks are inevitable — not tomorrow, but soon.

Hackers will prefer waiting for a few weeks or months to go by, says Scott Kinka, chief technology officer for EvolveIP, which works with companies to put their data into the cloud. The delay will give folks a "false sense of security."

At USA TODAY, we've heard from many readers asking what they can do. Upgrade? Buy a new PC?

Can they continue to use XP and be protected? Buy anti-virus software perhaps?

Microsoft is emphatic the answer is no. Even if you use the machine unplugged from the Internet, it's still at risk. "You need to get files off the machine somehow," says Tom Murphy, a Microsoft spokesman. "How do you that? With a thumb drive? There's your virus."

Avast Chief Operating Officer Ondřej Vlček says XP users are "six times more likely to get hacked than Windows 7 users and once Microsoft stops issuing patches, this can worsen."

Still, he believes that with some adjustments, you can live with XP for a little while longer.

He recommends buying anti-virus software, and switching browsers.

XP doesn't support modern, more secure versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser. It's through older versions of IE where hackers find vulnerabilities first, he says. He recommends switching to Google Chrome for use on XP, a more stable browser.

Meanwhile, just how bad is a hack anyway?

For ATMs, the industry says not to worry.

Jeff Dudash, spokesman for Atlanta-based NCR, which builds the majority of ATMs, says private label software is used on the machines in addition to XP to protect consumers, and that most banks are looking to upgrade from XP. Additionally, deposits are insured and protected, so any losses would be covered by the institution.

However, no one is there to help at home, if you bank or shop online on an XP machine. "The disaster isn't so much about data loss, but personal information," says Kinka. "If you type in passwords and access bank accounts and use your credit card to purchase things, you are at major risk. Hackers are waiting for you."

And John Gracyalny, vice president of information technology for the SafeAmerica Credit Union, says businesses who are reluctant to upgrade should think twice.

"The cost to upgrade is not very high, compared to the potential costs of a breach, both in possible real dollars as well as reputation loss," he says. Should a hack occur, businesses "are going to look like they just don't care about their customers' information."

Commonly asked questions about XP's end of life:

1. I don't want my computer to be unsafe. Can I upgrade my operating system?

Not if you have an old computer. It most likely won't be able to run Microsoft's current Windows effectively. You'll need to buy a new PC. Many new Windows computers are relatively cheap — you can get in for just over $300; they are way more powerful and faster, too.

2.I don't want to buy a new PC. I want to stick with mine.

Your PC is at risk, but if you must, buy some good anti-virus software, like Avast or Norton, ditch the older version of Internet Explorer that runs on XP and replace it with Google Chrome, which is safer. And try to be online as little as possible.

3. Yes, but I really don't want a new PC. I don't like Windows 8.

Buy a tablet then, like an iPad, Google Nexus 7 or Amazon Kindle Fire, and use it to surf the Net and write e-mail. Or pick up a Google Chromebook, which starts at $199. The only hitch for both is that you'll need to be online to make use of most of the programs.

4. Isn't this all a marketing stunt?

Microsoft wants you using up to date software, which any company does, and has put off this moment for years. And it is using the end of its official support, including no further security updates, to get you to finally take action.

5. What about ATMs? Is it true that most are running XP?

Yes, it was 95% at the beginning of the year, but now is in the 75% range. ATM manufacturers tell me they've written their own security programs into the ATMs to make your transactions safer.

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