WENTZVILLE, Mo. — In the U.S., someone is sexually assaulted every 92 seconds. That’s according to Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.
If you were attacked would you know how to defend yourself? 5 On Your Side's Jenn Sullivan headed out to Blue Wave Martial Arts in Wentzville, Missouri, to learn some key moves that save your life.
Owner and fitness trainer David Blevins said it comes down to four factors.
1. Self-defense classes. Knowing how to physically defend yourself can make you appear more confident. Blevins said that even acting more confident can help save you from being a victim because attackers want to prey on the weak.
2. Always know your surroundings.
3. Buy a self-defense keychain or Kubaton. It’s a small wand that can hook to your keys. It’s a great weapon to fight off an attacker. It’s better than using your hands because you could end up hurting yourself.
4. Know how you’re going to escape. Once you’ve fended off your attacker, you have to think about how you’re going to get away as fast as possible.
David Blevins teaches self-defense courses. For information visit his website, BlueWaveSTL.com.