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Laclede Gas hangars confusing St. Louis renters

Some renters in South City said they are getting purple hangars from Laclede Gas Company that is confusing them.
Laclede Gas logo

Some renters in south St. Louis said they are getting purple hangars from Laclede Gas Company that are confusing them.

Many of the renters we talked to in the 5400 block of Morganford said the workers who showed up to their homes didn't look like gas company workers. They didn't have uniforms or signage, and the only identification they had was what looked like a homemade ID card on a lanyard. One renter wouldn't let them in the door.

We took our information to Laclede Gas and we got action.

Laclede Gas gave the following release:

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. Thanks to your call, we are talking to our contractor to try and understand what happened. The safety and security of our customers is very important to us. That's why our contractors are required to wear a visible badge issued by Laclede Gas with a Laclede Gas logo, photo, name and Contractor clearly displayed.

We want to apologize that a purple door tag caused worry for some of our customers. This door tag had outdated phone numbers. We pulled these tags last month and are updating them for future use.

Any customer who has a question or concern about Laclede Gas can call us at 314-621-6960 for information about their account or Laclede Gas work being done in their area. 

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