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After seven months, still no sign of St. Louis man missing in the Kansas City area

"It's been really hard. In my heart, I still believe T'Montez is alive and he's wanting to be found. He needs help," said Tecona Donald-Sullivan.

"What's racing through my mind is, where is my grandson?" said Tecona Donald-Sullivan.

It's a heart-wrenching question the St. Louis grandmother has been asking for seven months.

"I'm frustrated. I'm angry. I'm filled with many mixed emotions," Donald-Sullivan said.

T'Montez Hurt is a 19-year-old freshman at Missouri Western University in St. Joseph, which is about an hour from Kansas City.

Hurt's grandma said on the morning of Feb. 1, T'Montez called her while under "some form of mental distress."

"He kept saying, 'Granny, I just feel like somebody gave me something.' I don't know if he was drugged, but I know he wasn't himself and sounded disoriented," added his grandma.

Donald-Sullivan said her grandson was first at a home of a woman he'd recently met, then was later admitted to an emergency room.

Hurt's grandmother called the Kansas City hospital, which sent police to the home.

"I still don't have a clue of what's going on, but I know that somebody knows something," said the worried grandma.

She said the hospital gave her grandson a "voucher to catch a cab to a Greyhound Bus Station."

Surveillance cameras captured T'Montez on video trying to walk inside the closed bus station.

He hasn't been seen since.

"To this day, I still don't now why that zTrip driver left my grandson outside that bus station. He saw my T'Montez walking back to get in his car, but he didn't let him in. His cellphone was left on the back seat. The police later told me that they last saw my grandson walk more than 70 blocks down the street with papers in his hands. I don't know if somebody's holding him, if he's a victim of sex trafficking or if my grandson is still walking around out there just out of it," added Donald-Sullivan.

Seven months later, she's now travelling to Kansas City every other weekend, still passing out hundreds of fliers, still searching for T'Montez.

"My 6-foot-one grandson weighs 160 pounds. He's a good kid. He's never been in trouble and he's never disappeared. This makes no sense. This has taken a toll on me. I am now undergoing therapy. I just want him home," said his grandmother.

In a statement, Kansas City Police Spokesman Sergeant Phil DiMartino said, "the case is still active and ongoing. Detectives are pursuing all leads that come in." 

Anyone with information was encouraged to call the police department's missing persons Missing Persons Unit at 816-234-5043.

In April, Hurt's case was featured on NBC's Dateline show.

Right now, Tecona Donald-Sullivan is still offering a $1,500 reward to anyone who has any information about her grandson's whereabouts.

The weary grandma won't stop until she finds him.

"I don't feel like he's gone. I feel like he's wanting to be rescued. He needs help," said the young man's grandma.

The grandmother will travel back to Kansas City and continue searching for grandson.

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