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Beagle recovering after stick lodged in his nose for 6 months

After a visit to Hillcrest Dog Park in Grand Rapids, Mark Kovicak's dog probably ended up barking up the wrong tree.

<p>Mark Kovicak and his Beagle, Rex, hanging out during Rex's recovery.</p>

After a visit to Hillcrest Dog Park in Grand Rapids, Mark Kovicak's dog probably ended up barking up the wrong tree.

His 2-year-old beagle, Rex, took off after a rabbit. When he came back, he was sneezing and had a bloody nose. Kovicak took his dog to the vet on numerous occasions, giving Rex different medications that seemed to help but ultimately, his symptoms didn't go away.

That was until Dr. Kristopher Sharpe of Blue Pearl Veterinary Hospital suggested a CT scan. The scan showed an object lodged in the beagle's nose. With Rex still sedated, they removed the stick from his nose.

The stick removed from Rex&#39;s nose.

Rex went back to normal almost instantly.

“He came out, I think at 3:30 or something, and by 6 o'clock, he was frolicking around," Kovicak said. "His energy level was right back, kind of where I remembered it, prior to this all happening which was over six-months ago."

"It’s just trippy."

Other than his nose healing, Rex is perfectly healthy.

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