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South St. Louis adult day care center caters to Vietnamese clients

The center can accommodate up to 37 people per day, and their goal is to become a center that specializes in helping Asian-American elders.

ST. LOUIS — Adult day cares are skyrocketing across the country. As more people live longer, they are in need of resources.

United Adult Day Center, in south St. Louis, caters to people who are of Vietnamese descent. The facility is serving a community that often gets overlooked. It is the first of its kind in the state, not just because of what it does, but also because of who it serves.

Across the county, adult day care centers are on the rise. The Missouri Coalition for Quality Care said there has been a 63% increase in the number of people using them in the United States because it’s a one-stop shop for people to get continuous care. Clients can get healthcare or get their questions answered, or they might come for food and companionship.

The St. Louis Mosaic Project advocates regional prosperity through immigration and innovation. Mosaic and the International Institute have always maintained immigration is the key to success in St. Louis.

United Adult Day Center Executive Director Khanh Bui said many clients are refugees and immigrants who also could benefit from language help and explaining cultural differences, when it comes to healthcare and services.

“They want to be involved in the community," Bui said, "but they don't entirely understand the language, and they don't know other resources and benefits that are available for them. That's why we're here, we want to educate them with that.”

Bui and her husband, Jimmy, started the center with her grandmother in mind, though the process took years and her grandmother has since died. The facility also helps caregivers get a break, as more people are raising kids and taking care of aging parents.

The state provides funding, so it comes at no cost to those who partake in services, food and socialization.

The facility also has volunteers who provide citizenship classes, translation services and Vietnamese comfort food. The goal is to keep a growing number of seniors engaged and independent, as our healthcare system can be strained and overwhelmed.

“Most of the work we do is volunteer work," Bui said. "We think that it's such a high need we don't charge clients anything, we just think it's silly to charge anyone, so everything's completely free.”

The center can accommodate up to 37 people per day, and their goal is to become a center that specializes in helping Asian-American elders.

The Missouri Coalition for Quality Care said adult day care is an invaluable service for seniors and caregivers. St. Louis and St. Louis County are home to nearly 60% of Missouri’s licensed facilities. In Illinois, adult day care is open to anyone typically 60 and older and sometimes transportation is even provided to and from the elder’s home.

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