ST. LOUIS – Missouri and the United States announced Wednesday an agreement that will require the Doe Run Resources Corporation to clean up more than 4,000 lead-contaminated residential properties near the Big River Tailings Site in St. Francois County.
Doe Run will be required to excavate lead contaminated soil on about 4,100 affected properties and perform additional cleanup at the Hayden Creek mine waste area, according to a press release.
Historical mining activities in St. Francois County released hazardous heavy metals including lead, cadmium and zinc onto residential properties.
EPA will contribute up to $31.54 million toward the cleanup which is estimated to cost a total of $111 million.
Lead exposure can cause a range of adverse health effects from behavioral disorders and learning disabilities to seizures and death.
In the three zip codes compromising the majority of the Big River Mine Tailings Site, between 9.3 percent and 16.7 percent of children have elevated lead levels.
The agreement is subject to a 30-day public comment period before it can be entered by the court.
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