FLORISSANT, Mo. — Imagine the high school your kids go to shutting down for good.
That's exactly what could happen to people living in the Ferguson-Florissant School district.
There are about 1,200 students who attend McCluer High School each week.
Soon these doors could be locked for good, and students would have moved to a new school.
That's if the district decides to go with one of a few different redistricting options.
A lot of parents and students aren't happy about the idea of closing schools.
Right now there are three options on the table.
Option three would transform McCluer-South Berkely High School into a selective admission STEAM, or science, technology, engineering and math academy.
It would also establish another new high school to replace the district's three current ones.
District officials say consolidating the high schools in the district would offer a higher quality of education, improve student test scores and make sports teams more competitive.
Other options include re-zoning the district.
That's left with a community that's already lost a lot with even more concerns.
It's something Ferguson-Florissant School District Communications Director Kevin Hampton says he understands.
"Anytime there is change people feel loss, and especially in a community where people feel like they have already had something taken from them that pain is amplified even more," said Hampton.
Doug Inman has four kids in the Ferguson-Florissant School District. He said while closures would be disappointing, he understands the district's logic - consolidation would offer better quality education and improve test scores.
"If our house was too big for us we would probably be looking to downsize as well."
"Combs elementary has been here since 1876 there a lot of rich history between these different buildings, which has housed so many families," said Inman. Three of his kids are now enrolled at Combs Elementary.
"Tonight's meeting will be an opportunity not only for open ears and open minds from parents and also from the board and the administration as to what's going on," said Inman.
There has already been a huge interest in the community filled with protests and a lot of different opinions about what the district should do.
You'll have the chance to voice your opinion at another public meeting tonight at McCluer High School at 6 p.m. Wednesday.