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Francis Howell High School students walk out over changes to Black studies electives

Students at all three Francis Howell High Schools walked out of classes at 11:35 a.m. on Thursday.

ST. CHARLES COUNTY, Mo. — A student walkout was scheduled on Thursday at 11:35 a.m. at all three Francis Howell High Schools.

It comes amid ongoing issues with the school's lack of a diverse curriculum. The idea for a walkout was started online by high school students. They say they will "peacefully protest the school board's ongoing pattern of discrimination and racism."

5 On Your Side has been following these developing issues for weeks.

Last month, the school board voted to remove Black history and Black literature electives for the 2024-25 school year. 

Days later, students voiced their disapproval and circulated a petition with more than 3,200 signatures to return the classes.

The board eventually reinstated the classes, but with changes that faced student backlash.

Organizers said online, "This walkout is more than just these classes but setting a message that WE, the STUDENTS, want an inclusive and equal education."

The Francis Howell School District released a statement to 5 On Your Side, saying, "Our goal is to maintain a safe and secure school campus and to ensure that if a walkout occurs, students do not present a major disruption to the learning environment. We trust that students who choose to participate will remain peaceful as they exercise their First Amendment rights."

A district spokesperson said they shared the following email with families on Tuesday:

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We have been made aware that some high school students are organizing a scheduled walkout on Thursday, January 18. 

The purpose of this communication is to inform you about how we prepare for walkouts and the consequences for students who choose to participate. Our ultimate goal is to maintain a safe and secure school campus and to ensure that if a walkout occurs, students do not present a major disruption to the learning environment. 

Here is some information you may find helpful:

  • We do not dismiss schools for walkouts, peaceful protests, or other demonstrations.
  • Students who choose to participate in the walkout will be under adult supervision while on campus. 
  • Students will receive absence marks based on their actual attendance in each class, and they will face consequences for non-attendance or tardiness consistent with our normal procedures. 
  • Instruction will continue as scheduled if a walkout occurs. Students will not be given additional time to complete quizzes or exams that may be given during the walkout.
  • Should the walkout happen during lunch, students who choose to participate will not be granted additional lunchtime. 
  • Consistent with MSHSAA bylaws and the FHSD Activities Handbook, students must attend school the entire day, or be marked excused by the principal, in order to participate in practices, rehearsals, or games for athletic teams or performance groups.
  • Any verbal escalations, inappropriate behaviors, altercations, or other actions stemming from participation in the walkout will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the FHSD Code of Student Conduct. 
  • Students will be instructed to return to class as soon as the walkout concludes. 
  • We have requested additional District-level leaders and law enforcement officers for each campus to provide an additional measure of security on Thursday. 
  • Members of the media or general public wishing to observe or participate in the student-led walkout will not be permitted on campus during the instructional day.
  • The principal has the authority to temporarily limit all traffic in and out, including parents and visitors, to protect student safety. 
  • Administrators and counselors will be available to assist students in processing their emotions.
  • Every effort will be made to be consistent in our guidelines and consequences. The same policies and Code of Student Conduct that govern our work every day will also apply during any student walkouts. 

Our goal is to manage student walkouts in a way that balances respect for student voice, freedom of expression, and participation in the democratic process with our need to maintain order in the learning environment. We trust that students who choose to participate will remain peaceful as they exercise their First Amendment rights.

There will be a regularly scheduled school board meeting at 6:30 Thursday evening. Community members are welcome to voice their opinions during the public comment section.

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