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Military family worries about pay following government shutdown

Monday's deal got the money flowing again. But some wonder how long it will last.

Monday’s end to the government shutdown is good news. But for those who rely on their government job for a paycheck, the future is still a concern. Now, some are preparing for the uncertainty.

The shutdown meant military families weren’t paid. Monday's deal got the money flowing again. But Army wife Jada Heisse wonders if it will last. Her husband, Specialist Dustin Heisse, is currently deployed in Turkey.

While he’s away, Jada is focusing on raising the couple’s two young daughters and taking college classes to learn medical office administration. As if there’s not enough on her mind, Jada now finds herself worrying about money.

“We're solely reliant on my husband's income, which is the Army paycheck,” said Heisse. “Lately we haven’t been sure whether he’d be paid.”

After her husband deployed, Jada Heisse moved in with family in Lincoln County.

“Living with family means we can save.”

Now, money is even tighter. The weekend's pay was lost to the government shutdown. Congress will have to decide whether military members get it back.

“None of us deserve this. Not just the military, anyone with a government paying job deserves to get paid for their work,” said Heisse.

Dustin Heisse called Jada, Monday from Turkey. Their financial situation was one of the first things they talked about. Now Jada finds herself in the tough spot of hoping for the best and planning financially for the worst.

“It's so difficult that it's physically taxing on me,” she said.

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