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'We have some wonderful customers:' Skyview Drive-In celebrates 75 years in Belleville

The Belleville Drive-In was named the best drive-in in America by USA Today.

BELLEVILLE, Ill. — Want to go to the best drive-in in America? Lucky for us, it's right in our backyard!

The Skyview Drive-In in Belleville was named the best drive-in in America by USA Today.

For Steve Bloomer, it's a place that's played a pivotal role in his entire life. 

"The drive-in was built in 1949 by my grandfather and his two brothers," he said.

It's a family tradition, one might say, with Bloomer starring as owner for the theater on North Belt West.

"There are other drive-ins that might be a few years older than ours, but I don't know if any of them can claim to have the same management. It's the same family, running it for all that period of time," he said.

While the Skyview Drive-In still holds that nostalgic charm, a lot has changed since 1949. The most recent being the words on the marquee sign that says, 'You voted, we won. Thanks.'

"It was really kind of exciting to be able to say to people, 'Yeah, you're going to the number one drive-in in the country,'" Bloomer said.

The drive-in beat out 20 nominees for this coveted title, according to Bloomer.

"Somebody asked me, 'What do you get for this?' I said, 'bragging rights,'" he said.

Those bragging rights, according to Bloomer, were only made possible by the community his family has always called home.

"I posted it on our Facebook page. We sent out like 7,000 emails on a regular basis. We posted on Google, and within two days, we were from 12th place up to first," he said.

Not only can they now call themselves the number one drive-in in the country, but Skyview is also celebrating 75 years in Belleville.

"We have some wonderful customers. Some regulars that I see on a regular basis out here, and we're really happy for their support," Bloomer said. 

It's support that hasn't wavered since 1949. As for the man who took Bloomer to see his very first movie and belt the legacy he holds today, Bloomer believes his grandpa would be proud of the new letters on their marquee sign.

"He would be overjoyed, yeah, and his two brothers, as well," he said. 

Bloomer said to celebrate the win and 75 years, Skyview Drive-In has deals for a limited time. 

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