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St. Louis sheriff shoe-in who unseated his former boss discusses vision for department

Alfred Montgomery will soon return to the place he was fired from after he announced plans to run against his then-boss Sheriff Vernon Betts back in 2020.

ST. LOUIS — The stage is set for the man who unseated St. Louis' longtime sheriff in Tuesday's Democratic primary to take up the post next year.

Alfred Montgomery, 27, beat longtime Sheriff Vernon Betts by fewer than 300 votes. Montgomery will have no Republican opponent in November, essentially ensuring his victory since his only rival, Libertarian Joy Denise Dabney, garnered just 109 votes in the primary compared to Montgomery's 22,774.

Montgomery is anticipating the return to the place he was fired from after he announced plans to run against his then-boss Betts in 2020.

Montgomery lost that election, but not his will to try again. This year he did, and voters sided with him.

"We need some big changes here in our city. Now it's time to build a sheriff's office that's a model for every law enforcement agency around the city,” Montgomery said a day after his win.

Betts held the position for 7 years.

“Have you heard from the Sheriff?” 5 on Your Side asked.

“I have not,” Montgomery said.

“He didn't call you or you didn't call him?” 5 on Your Side asked.

“No. I went down to the sheriff's office to speak with him. I spoke with a few judges. He wasn't available so that was pretty much that,” Montgomery responded.

He said he's ready to get to work.

"The number one thing that I plan on doing is updating the policy and procedures within the sheriff's office. I also want to update … the technology. Right now, the sheriff's office is behind, outdated. So I'm here to be that change agent,” Montgomery added.

He also wants to request a state audit to see if tax dollars have been mishandled. Another goal is building rapport with city leaders to see if he can offer insight on improving operations at the St. Louis City Justice Center, although that's not a specific duty of the sheriff or his deputies.

Before the election, there were published reports questioning Montgomery's credentials. Superficially, a sociology degree from Arizona State University.

When asked about those reports, he said, "You know, a lot of that stuff, what happens is the current administration likes to throw out different things like he's always done, and I don't like to entertain it.”

“So no misconceptions are out there? Everything you said is who you are?” 5 Oo Your Side asked.

"I am who I am. The people of the city of St. Louis elected who they elected, and I stand on who I am,” he responded.

If elected in November, Montgomery takes over as sheriff on Jan. 1.

5 on Your Side reached out to Betts for comment but hasn’t heard back.

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