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Lawmakers react after Gov. Greitens admits to having an affair

The incident occurred before Eric Greitens was elected governor.
Missouri Governor Eric Greitens

ST. LOUIS – Lawmakers are reacting after Gov. Greitens admitted to having an affair. Greitens and his wife Sheena released a statement Wednesday night.

The incident occurred a few years ago.

"A few years ago, before Eric was elected Governor, there was a time when he was unfaithful in our marriage. This was a deeply personal mistake. Eric took responsibility, and we dealt with this together honestly and privately. While we never would have wished for this pain in our marriage, or the pain that this has caused others, with God’s mercy Sheena has forgiven and we have emerged stronger. We understand that there will be some people who cannot forgive – but for those who can find it in your heart, Eric asks for your forgiveness, and we are grateful for your love, your compassion, and your prayers."

Additional Statement from Sheena Greitens

"We have a loving marriage and an awesome family; anything beyond that is between us and God. I want the media and those who wish to peddle gossip to stay away from me and my children."

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley's Office

Under Missouri law, jurisdiction over alleged criminal conduct of this nature rests with the Prosecuting Attorney in the place where the conduct occurred. If the Prosecuting Attorney has a legal conflict or lacks the resources to pursue an investigation, he or she may seek assistance from the Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and the Attorney General’s Office.

Senate Majority Leaders statement

“Like many Missourians, we find these serious allegations shocking and concerning. As this situation is evolving, we expect the governor to be honest and forthright.”

Senate President Pro Tem Ron Richard, R-Joplin

District 32

Majority Floor Leader Mike Kehoe, R-Jefferson City

District 6

Assistant Majority Floor Leader, Bob Onder, R-Lake St. Louis

District 2

Senate Democratic Leaders Sen. Gina Walsh (D – Bellefontaine Neighbors) and Sen. Kiki Curls (D-Kansas City) statement

“In light of the very serious allegations made against the governor, there are many questions still left unanswered. But let’s be clear - violence and threats against women are never acceptable. Allegations of extortion, coercion, or threats of violence must be investigated by the proper authorities. People accused of these egregious acts do not get to waive off the scrutiny of law enforcement simply because they are in a position of power; and victims of these crimes deserve our full support.”

Statement from State Senator Jill Schupp (D-Creve Coeur)

“The allegations made against Missouri’s governor are deeply, deeply troubling. My thoughts and prayers are with the First Lady and their two young children as they work through this private matter. But private issues aside, the accusations made against the governor must be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated in order to restore the public’s trust to our state’s highest office. Violent threats or intimidation by anyone is never acceptable.”

Misssouri State Senator for the 5th district Jamilah Nasheed calls on Greitens to resign

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