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Petition initiative for a constitutional amendment to legalize abortion kicks off in Missouri

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom said after several events across the state they will have thousands of signatures on the petition.

UNIVERSITY CITY, Mo. — Hundreds came to The Pageant on Tuesday to kick off a statewide initiative to get a constitutional amendment to allow abortions in Missouri on the November ballot.

There is also the potential to have a special election called in August, which is up to Gov. Mike Parson.

They will need more than 170,000 signatures to get it done.

The large and excited crowd of Missouri voters is trying to get ‘The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative’ on the ballot this year by signing a statewide petition.

“To me, it's about getting our rights back. I think it's really important that we be able to make decisions for our own lives, our own bodies, our own families. And so I think it's really important that Missourians are coming together and saying that we want to eliminate we want to end this ban on abortion,” petition supporter Catherine Betz said.

The proposed constitutional amendment says ‘The government shall not deny or infringe upon a person’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom.’

“So that includes things like, of course, abortion, respectful birthing conditions, right to miscarriage care. That's what the amendment does. It's preventing government interference. And what the the whole moral behind the amendment is saying, you know what? It should be up to Missourians and their doctors to make decisions about their personal health care,” ACLU of Missouri Deputy Director for Policy Campaigns Tori Schafer said. 

Founder and Executive Director of Coalition Life Brian Westbrook says they oppose the proposed amendment as it has the potential to walk back decades of pro-life work.

“Missouri became the very first state after the Dobbs decision to become abortion free. And the reason for that is because the people of Missouri are pro-life. The people of Missouri do not want abortion here in the state of Missouri,” Westbrook said. 

Westbrook said he believes it could be damaging because of the broad language.

“When you read it, you understand that parental rights are being removed. Any man or woman in the state of Missouri, their rights will be diminished and their ability to, sue and protect themselves after something that's gone bad. They will no longer have that,” Westbrook said.

Schafer denied that claim saying this will only expand protections.

“No, it's about giving power back to people and making sure those personal decisions are between people and their doctors,” Schafer said.

Schafer said if the proposed amendment makes it on the ballot they will push to get everyone to the polls.

“We're having thousands and thousands of people across the state who have signed up to come to these events, and they'll be helping us get out the vote across the state,” Schafer said.

Westbrook said similarly they will be educating their supporters.

“I think Coalition life's role is really important to first and foremost, educate voters who are here in the state of Missouri, educate the women who are considering abortion, that they have alternative choices, that they're not forced or pressured into an abortion, and then having that assistance for those women when they choose life. There's 75 pregnancy centers in the state of Missouri. I think it's important for those pregnancy centers to continue to do what they're doing, to be able to support these women in their time of need,” Westbrook said.

You can read the full text of the proposed constitutional amendment here as well as find locations and events to sign the petition.

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