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Jefferson County roads covered in snow

Crews worked to mitigate the snow accumulation, but couldn't make progress clearing the roads until the snow stopped falling.

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. — Jefferson County luckily missed most of the ice that hit other areas, but the roads are definitely covered.

"This is the first time I seen snow so I just wanted to go outside and check it out," Juan Macias said.

The heavy snowfall in Arnold, Missouri is quite the change of scenery for Macias who is an ironworker from El Paso, Texas. 

"For me it was alright. I've got 4x4, somewhat ready for it so just checking it out," Macias said.

John Eichhorn who's used to midwestern winters decided it was a good day to test out the 4-wheel-drive on his daughter's Ford Bronco.

"It does donuts pretty well. We did that at Schnucks on Butler Hill, so I probably shouldn't say that," Eichhorn said.

That does go against Jefferson County Emergency Management Director Warren Robinson's recommendations as crews try to outwork the steady snow.

"It's still falling out there so that means that any road work crews are doing right now is just going to be mitigation," Robinson said.

Once the snow stops falling, they'll be able to do more work to clear the roads.

"We are going to be focused on the primary highways and the major arteries and after that precipitation gets out of the area, we'll be able to start hitting smaller side roads and really making some progress and getting the roads clears and hopefully ready for the commute tomorrow morning," Robinson said.

Robinson says people are staying home, for the most part, making it a manageable day for their department.

"Very little traffic, Arnold is doing a great job because you can actually see the pavement. St. Louis County, not so much," Eichhorn said.

Robinson said they've had a few spinouts which is keeping their department busy. As of 6 p.m. Thursday, there were no reports of fatal accidents or power outages.

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