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$20,000 worth of toys sent to St. Louis nonprofit

"I had people donating from Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Festus, St. Charles, Ladue and U City."
Credit: Brittany Rowan Sullivan
Rosemary Ray and Brittany

ST. LOUIS — When Rosemary Ray, founder of the Buchanan Foundation Inc., reached out to 5 On Your Side seeking help from the community, she had no idea just how incredible her pursuit would become. 

When we caught up with Ray a few weeks later, she said that she had received an overwhelming amount of support since we wrote a story about the Buchanan Foundation's toy shortage. 

"It's a miracle," she said. 

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: The Buchanan Foundation needed 1,200 toys by December 21

Amongst those who came across 5 On Your Side's article was someone who went far beyond donating.  Brittany Rowan Sullivan, an entrepreneur, saw the article on Monday, Dec. 11 as she lay in bed. 

"I was moved to tears," Sullivan said as a new mother with plans to make this a special Christmas of her own. 

She quickly jumped into action by taking to social media on behalf of the Buchanan Foundation

"A bunch of people started messaging me. So then I said if you want to make a financial donation, here is my Venmo. I will go shopping!" 

Sullivan even offered to use her business truck to transport the gifts to the foundation. 

"Within 24 hours, I think I raised like $4,000," she said. "So I said. 'Holy cow, I can do this and people are paying attention, so let's raise $5,000 and let's find a business match because I do not have time to try to do this on my own.'" 

Sullivan did not find a business but donations kept coming.

"A lot of this stuff wouldn't have manifested without Brittany," Ray said. 

Sullivan helped raise $20,000, including the brand-new toys within just 12 days. 

"It inspired so many people. I had people donating from Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Festus, St. Charles, Ladue and U City," Sullivan said. "I had new moms who didn't know but found out from a friend of a friend who shared my Instagram story. I had people who came with their children and delivered $500-$1000 worth of gloves and toys to my house." 

The first week Sullivan raised money, she had not met Ray or dropped off any of the toys. 

The success of her mission was contingent on her consistency. 

"It was not a steady incline, If I took a few days off the donations would plateau," Sullivan said. "Then when I would get on Instagram and read about who Rosemary is and what she means to this community, I would see a surge." 

Finally, on the following Monday, Sullivan met Ray for the first time with a truck full of donations. 

"It was as if an angel came from heaven," Ray said.

Sullivan asked Ray what else the families needed and, again, Sullivan took to social media to rally for more help.

"Remaining needs/ask: underwear badly needed for children( boys and girls), they would love canned foods and goods for Christmas dinner, warm items (gloves)" Sullivan wrote. "If you bring it, there will be deep gratitude." 

Sullivan came back every day from Monday to Saturday, taking drop-offs and helping Ray get the gifts to the community. According to Ray, the trucks kept coming, daily. 

Ray also feeds the homeless community daily. Unfortunately, they had to take a back seat to the influx of toys being delivered. Ray is not sure who made sure they got food those days, but she said somehow they left with sandwiches. 

Sullivan noticed a lot of parents who came to help distribute toys with their children. She said so many people want to help, but they do not know how. 

"A lot of the feedback I heard was that we wish our kids got more hands-on experience like this," Sullivan said. "I like that I go directly to the neighborhood. There is no CEO taking money. What is effective is the $20,000 going into the hands of children who do not have Christmas magic."

On Dec. 23, Ray decided to throw a party because of the amount of toys and necessities she still had. Sullivan showed up to help with her family and friends. 

"I just had to sit here and be available. They brought everything and did everything," Ray said. 

According to Ray, Dec. 24 is the day she distributed toys at the church. She was able to allow children to get multiple toys, not just one. Sullivan said that Ray is a servant to her community. 

"I wish she had a key to the city. She has her own needs and puts them aside. She is such a special, remarkable woman. Rosemary is a net of safety and reassurance to people who have nothing." Sullivan said. " You do not get any closer from a charitable standpoint than donating to Rosemary. I am so grateful I got to see it and report back." 

Ray said she was getting people from everywhere. 

"I didn't have to turn anyone away," she said. 

Sullivan has gained perspective and a friend in Ray. 

The Buchanan Foundation also received other large donations. Like the  $2,500 check from Team Three Group Limited LLC

"I will never forget the response," Ray said.

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