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Turmoil continues after city of Arnold scraps controversial parkway plan

Despite the withdrawal of the plan, residents and businesses are still saying they do not trust Arnold leadership.

ARNOLD, Mo. — A controversial project to build a new road in Arnold is dead, but the turmoil continues. 

A key business owner has filed a lawsuit against the city and is threatening a second. Residents are pushing forward gathering signatures to recall the mayor, treasurer and city council members of Arnold. Missouri State Rep. David Casteel has submitted a state audit request. 

The proposed road would have run along I-55 and Richardson Road to 141.  After pushback from the community, the city of Arnold abandoned the plan

Despite the withdrawal, residents and businesses still say they do not trust Arnold leadership. 

"We still have an active lawsuit," Water Tower Place Shopping Center Spokesman Lance LeComb said, "but more importantly, today we have several sunshine requests that we submitted to the City of Arnold and the two transportation development districts, the TDDs asking for basic information."

RELATED: Water Tower shopping plaza owners threaten second lawsuit against Arnold

Specifically, the stakeholders in Water Tower Place Shopping Center are trying to find out why the city planned the parkway in the first place. The Sunshine Request filed by Water Tower Place Shopping Center lawyers is for planning and financial documents and meeting minutes related to the Arnold Parkway Plan. 

LeComb said, "We think we'll find that there is a project still in the background. We think we'll find, you know, perhaps there are developers that are driving this." 

Arnold is rejecting the Sunshine Law request, claiming conflict of interest because the shopping center attorneys used to represent the Transportation Development District in question. 

"What has been going on for the past several years in secret that we can't have access to?" LeComb asked.

That is something Missouri State Rep. David Casteel wants to know too, and he's asking the state auditor for help finding out. 

Casteel said, "With requesting it be looked at by the State Auditor I'm just trying to do both clear the name of the City of Arnold, there's a lot of allegations there and also to provide some transparency to the public."

Casteel represents District 97. He does not cover the city of Arnold but represents citizens who shop and pay taxes within the city. 

There is also a grassroots effort to recall the mayor, treasurer and city council. Residents are actively collecting signatures for those petitions. 

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